
Core work

A collection of work in the period 1990 to 2020


Free University Franchise
The CATS presents Many-based Mathematics as an alternative to Set-based Mathematics. The CATS approach can be part of a bachelor or master degree. Likewise its many unorthodox teaching experiments generate data for research projects. Universities may freely franchise the and its learning method PYRAMIDeDUCATION.

Sociology in math ed conferences
The welcomes you to 1, 2 or 3 one-day fee-free spring conferences held yearly in Berlin.
The first day will contain unorthodox papers on sociology of patronization and sociology of enlightenment.
The second day will contain traditional C-, B- and A-papers on Sociology in Math Education.

US Compendia
Workshop in 1digit Mathematics
Revision Problems using a TI84
Revision Probelms using a TI89
PreCalculusMath Compendium

Math with Playing Cards
This booklet contains short articles showing how mathematics formulas may be discovered by working with ordinary playing cards. Some formulas are limited by the fact that cards only have positive numbers, so the question if the formulas also apply to negative numbers may be partly answered by testing.

Debating mathematics and its education
Welcome to a dialogue on Mathematics education and its research. Humans communicate in languages, a word-language and a number-language. In the family, we learn to speak the word language, and we are taught to read and write in institutionalized education, also taking care of the number-language under the name Mathematics, thus emphasizing the three r’s: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.

Mathematics with cards

PISA MeltDown
Scholastic Research Creating a MeltDown of Nordic PISA Results

How to Create and Maintain a Learner’s Interest in STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
MiniPaper at the ICEMST 2015 Conference in Turkey
Background. The transition from an industrial culture (modernity) to an information culture (postmodernity) has created a change in the way we think and communicate, from modernism to postmodernism. To communi­cate with postmodern learners, preferring storytelling to mediation, a change must be made from modern to postmodern science and mathematics.

  1. Deconstructing Education. To be a republic, a country must change its line-organized educational system created to produce officeholders to the autocratic monarch to the block-organized educational system of the first republic, the US, wanting instead to uncover and develop the talent of the individual learner through daily lessons in self-chosen half-year blocks from Middle School and on.
  2. Deconstructing Physics. Looking at a falling ball we see that in physics the basic concepts are matter housing forces pumping motion in and out of matter. The ruling discipline accepts matter and forces but not motion, instead it teaches energy which is not in the world but in a calculation. Consequently physics must be retold as a story about matter, forces and motion instead of about matter, forces and energy.
  3. Deconstructing Mathematics. The invention of the self-referring and thus meaningless concept SET turned mathematics upside down to METAmatics defining its concepts from above as examples of abstractions instead of from below as abstractions from examples, and brought to education as ‘New Math’.