The videos ask the question: “Mathematics is Hard! – or is it?”
The answer is given by using postmodern thinking to deconstruct mathematics to uncover alternatives to choices presented as nature.
CupCount removes Math Dislike
Math dislike disappears when children count and recount before they add, and use cups to count in icons before counting in tens.
PreSchool Mathematics
This video on early childhood mathematics shows that children can learn linearity, integration and solving equations when allowed to count in icons less than ten, e.g. in 3s or 5s.
IconCounting & NextTo-Addition
This is the second video on early childhood mathematics showing that children can learn linearity, integration and to solve equations when allowed to count in icons less than ten, e.g. in 3s or 5s.
This video connects fractions to its root, the leftovers when performing icon-counting. To deal with Many, we total by bundling. When bundling in 5s, 3 leftovers becomes 0.3 5s or 3/5 5s, thus leftovers root both decimal fractions and ordinary fractions.
This video shows how precalculus can be made easy by three stories about formulas: how formulas predict, how formulas are transformed into functions with two variables or equation with one variable – both to be handled by a graphical calculator, and how formulas can be used to real-world modeling.
Calculus adds per-numbers by areas. Adding 3 kg at 4 $/kg and 5 kg at 6 $/kg, the unit-numbers 3 and 5 are added as 3+5, and the per-numbers 4 and 6 are added as 3*4+5*6, i.e. as the area under the per-number graph, i.e. as integration combining * and +. As reversed integration, differentiation produces per-numbers by combining – and /.
Mandarin Mathematics
This video describes how natural mathematics is made difficult by removing eight links to its roots, the natural fact Many. The missing links make mathematics a privilege to a mandarin class wanting to monopolize public offices. Reopening the eight missing links will make mathematics easy and accessible to all. The two sessions address primary and secondary mathematics.
Postmodern Mathematics Debate
Paul and Allan are asked to discuss eight questions on postmodern mathematics education, e.g., What is meant by postmodern? What is the root of postmodern thinking? What is postmodern mathematics? What is postmodern research?
World History
This video on postmodern deconstruction describes world history as the history of trade. First eastern lowland pepper and silk were traded with western highland silver, then eastern cotton was moved west and traded with northern industrial products, and finally, electrons replaced the silver and cotton economy with an information economy.
Chinese Versions
Most videos can also be found on YouKu or SOKU.