Math Ed Future Bologna 2024

The Mathematics Education for the Future Project

A Symposium on New Ways of Teaching & Learning

The Historic City of Bologna, Italy, August 6-10, 2024

DeColonizing Math Ed by DeModeling Essence as Existence, a short PPP

Workshop in CATS-Math: Count & Add in Time & Space

DeColonized Math Flyer and Folder and ICME15 electronic Poster

Many before Math, a YouTube video:

Math decolonized by the child’s own BundleBundle-Numbers with units.

The Mathematics Education for the Future Project
A Symposium on New Ways of Teaching & Learning
The Historic City of Bologna, Italy, August 6-10, 2024

Project Home Pages:

Organising Committee:Alan Rogerson,Jasia Morska and Simone Brasili
Local Organisers: Chiara Chiarini and Alan Rogerson
In Cooperation with: Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education, Hong Kong Institute of
Education, MUED, DQME3, MAV, AWM, ATM, AAMT, Wholemovement, MACAS, AIMSSEC,
Mathematics Education Centre, Institute for Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Eötvös Lóránd
University, Budapest, International Symmetry Association and WTM-Verlag.


The programme for the Symposium is 5 nights B&B, Aug 6-10, 2024
Aug 6: Arrival ONLY & Registration: NO meals, NO sessions (B&B only)
Aug 7-10: 4 work Days with presentations and lunch
Aug 7: Welcome Reception at 6.15pm – cocktails/snacks
Aug 10: Gala Dinner 7pm in Hotel Restaurant
Aug 11: Departure ONLY with check-out after breakfast

Bologna is a city full of history. Its medieval center is among the largest in
Europe and its forty-two kilometers of porticoes, and the medieval towers,
give Bologna its unique character.
Bologna University was founded in 1088 and is the oldest university in the
world! (yes.. older even than “the other two places” in the UK!)
Bologna has an international airport and is also well served by High Speed
Trains that run the whole length of Italy with frequent connections to
Milan, Firenze, Rome, Naples etc.

(1) If you are interested in attending please fill in and send the registration
form below.
(2) If you you wish to present a paper or workshop please send NOW a
formal doc x ABSTRACT (up to 12 lines max) following CLOSELY the format
guidelines attached.
To help you do this page 2 of the guidelines is a doc x template
which is already FULLY formatted for you to enter your abstract.