Proposals for the 12th Classroom Teaching Research for All Students Conference (CTRAS), as formulated by Shanghai Normal University.
“We are pleased to announce the 2020 Classroom Teaching Research for All Students (CTRAS) Conference, to be held on July 9-11, 2020 in Shanghai, China. The 2020 CTRAS is sponsored this year by the School of Mathematics & Science at Shanghai Normal University.
Background of CTRAS
The Classroom Teaching for All Students Research Working Group was initiated at the U.S.- Sino Workshop in June 2008, which included 11 universities – five from China, and six from the U.S. Since then the CTRAS has been expanded to universities and school districts spanning seven countries and regions from East to West. Each year, the CTRAS has a main research focus area and has an annual conference.
Conference Theme: STEM for All Students in AI Era and the key Competence Education
The 2020 CTRAS will share and discuss the innovative training practices and research initiatives combined with Eastern and Western cultures to support all students’ mathematics learning. The 2020 CTRAS conference will address the following:
1. The research about mathematics classroom teaching based on the key competence development of
2. How mathematics history and culture support the development of key competence of students
3. How digital technologies boost the development of the key competence of students in AI era
4. How Chinese mathematics classroom tradition affects the development of the key competence
5. The research on mathematics curriculum innovation based on the key competence education
6. The strategies to support prospective teachers in STEM teaching design
7. Innovative cases of STEM integration combined with Eastern and Western cultures
8. Engineer-focused STEM education research
9. The most contemporary initiatives of STEM curriculum research
10. The comparison between Eastern and Western mathematics classroom teaching from international perspectives
Submissions and Important Deadlines
We welcome submissions related to the conference theme. Submission can be a project report or a research report.”