A collection of articles about Mathematics Education written in 2017
- Does Europe really need Compulsory School Classes?
- Mathematics, Banality or Evilness
- CupCounting and Calculus in Early Childhood Education
- Fifty Years of Research without Improving Mathematics Education, Why?
- A 1year pre-engineer course for Young migrants, a job for critical or civilized math education
- Online Teacher Training for Curing Math Dislike: Cup&Re-Counting & Multiplication Before Addition
- Debate on how to improve mathematics education
- Poster: MigrantMath as CupCounting & PreSchool Calculus
- A Heidegger View on How to Improve Mathematics Education
- Count and Multiply Before You Add: Proportionality and Calculus for Early Childhood and Migrants
- Proposals for the Mathematics Biennale 2018
- The Simplicity of Mathematics Designing a STEM-based Core Math Curriculum for Outsiders and Migrants
- The Simplicity of Mathematics Designing a STEM-based Core Mathematics Curriculum for Young Male Migrants
- Math Competenc(i)es – Catholic or Protestant?
- The ‘KomMod Report’, a Counter Report to the Ministry’s Competence Report
- Twelve Proposals for 1day Skype Seminars
- Difference-Research Powering PISA Performance: Count & Multiply before You Add
- Reflections from the CTRAS 2017 Conference in China
- Sixteen Proposals for the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
- Plenary PowerPointPresentation at the CTRAS 2017 July Conference in China
- Math Dislike
- Migrant Math, core math for late beginners