Korea KSME 2020

Thank you for your meaningful presentation at the 2020 International Conference of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education.
There are more than 380 registrations and 180 presentations at the conference.
Please share your research ideas that can be applied in the field for mathematics education.
Thank you again for your contribution to the conference.
Mangoo Park
President of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education
Copyright (c) 2003, The Korean Society of Mathematical Education. All rights reserved. Mail to Webmaster
(08787) 서울특별시 관악구 남부순환로 1808, 관악센츄리타워 1305호  Tel : 02-6737-1167 Fax : 02-6737-1168
E-mail : ksmedu@hanmail.net   Homepage: ksme.info / 고유번호 : 113-82-07886  대표자 : 박만구

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Workshop in developing the childs own mastery of many


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